Now-e-days we get to hear a lot about automation specifically Infrastructure Automation. Technology has already shifted gears from manual way of controlling IT infrastructure towards automatic methods. This is much needed for today's fast/rapid changing technology or infrastructure as demands from customer end does also took a sharp turn from way of investing/setting up infrastructure towards hosted infrastructure which we call it as "Cloud". A commonly used term which basically allows/facilitates converting physical infrastructure into a framework which is easy to scale up and flexible which provides a virtual platform where everything is defined as service i.e IaaS (Infrastructure As A Service), PaaS (Platform As A Service), SaaS (Software As A Service) (cloud models) on the broader look. There is a similar wing where activities of operation and development could be closely associated which we commonly call it as "DevOps". Yes, I'm talking about one such tool that is being used to automate tasks in infrastructure which is "Ansible". A simple, easy to use, easy to automate tasks i.e to write playbooks, easy to understand and it uses YAML (Yet Another Markup Language).